Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fred announces his candidacy

Fred Thompson officially announced his presidential candidacy recently. Though there are several key points to Fred's platform, I will mention only one important aspect of Fred's message in this posting. This aspect is his view on the role of the federal government.
He is a strong advocate for reducing government. For example, he believes that by promoting free market competition, the cost of health care will become affordable to all Americans. He is against mandatory universal coverage because of the billions of dollars it would cost taxpayers. During his time in the Senate one of his jobs was to evaluate how effective government agencies used their funds. Over this period he helped save $20 billion dollars in unnecessary spending. At a time when the federal government continues to go deeper and deeper in debt, it is refreshing to hear an authentic voice calling for less spending and with a record to support his words. In summary, he feels that less government means lower taxes and with lower taxes comes a more robust economy, less apt to fall into a recession.
If you'd like, check out Fred's site at It is a great resource to actually hear from the man himself, my guy Fred.