Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why Giuliani?

Why Giuliani?

Because James Dobson hates him.

Okay, so it’s not really that simple. But it is a good place to start. I don’t like James Dobson—I don’t like his self-righteous organization, I don’t like his use of religion as a tool of political manipulation, and I don’t like his beady little eyes (I know that last factor isn’t really relevant to the discussion, but seriously, have you seen his eyes?). And James Dobson doesn’t like Giuliani. In fact, if Giuliani wins the Republican primary, Dobson doesn’t even plan on voting. And, in the end, anyone that can inspire that kind of loathing in a man like James Dobson, is my kind of guy.

For that and the following reasons, I have decided to support Rudy Giuliani for president.

1. Giuliani is Consistent: As mayor of New York, Giuliani supported abortion rights. As a contender in the Republican primary, however, he … oh wait, he still supports abortion rights. At the risk of alienating a very large part of the Republican base, Giuliani has chosen to stand by a view that is politically unpopular. Why? Because he believes it’s right. I don’t care if you are pro-choice or pro-life—that’s admirable.

2. I Heart NY: Really. I love this city. And I love it even more post-Giuliani. The bagels still taste the same, but now I can safely take my three-month-old out to get one at five o’clock in the morning to get one.

3. Giuliani’s Fiscal Policy: Giuliani is a real, live, honest-to-goodness fiscal conservative. I know, I know, everyone claims to be a fiscal conservative these days. It’s an en vogue issue, like Global Warming or AIDS. But Giuliani is the only one with the record to back it up. In New York, Giuliani took a hugely overextended budget and balanced it – all while reducing crime and improving education (did I mention that I actually have friends that are willing to send their kids to the public schools here now?) Sure, some jobs got cut and some wages were reduced and, as a result, it made him unpopular with some crowds (have you seen the recent news about the firefighters?)—but he did what he had to do and got NY financially back on track. That’s the kind of tough love I can get behind.

So that, briefly, is why I’ve decided to support Rudy Giuliani for president. I won’t deny that he’s a bit of a loon. But at least he’s a loon that gets things done!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Statement of Purpose

What makes us support a particular candidate?
Is it all just party affiliation?
Do we care so deeply about a particular issue that all else seems insignificant?
Does our candidate inspire within us hope and patriotism?

Whatever the reason, we all know how inspirational a leader we trust and respect can be.

We find ourselves preparing for another presidential election – a time of great discourse. Unfortunately, too often the information we are provided on this great event dwells on the negative. Information that is meant to lead to a continued division of our country and its people. Our goals are simple: (1) raise the level of discourse during this presidential election, (2) provide meaningful and positive analysis of the candidates aspiring to be our leaders, and (3) put prejudice and bias aside in an effort to identify who possesses the ideas and characteristics necessary to lead America.